Again I find myself wide awake and alert now that my house is finally quiet.  It doesn't seem to matter what has happened during the day...

My Many Meetings with 3 AM

Again I find myself wide awake and alert now that my house is finally quiet.  It doesn't seem to matter what has happened during the day but I can always count on getting a second wind if I am just left alone in the stillness so that I can let my thoughts dance around as they please.

My thoughts rarely want to dance during the day.  Too many distractions.  Oddly, 3 am is when I most consistently find myself writing.  For nostalgic reasons, I kind of wish it was 3 am now.

Something magical about the night.  Everything has come to a rest.  The dishwasher isn't clicking through its cycles.  The cars that would otherwise be heard driving down the street are parked in their garages.  The birds have even silenced their songs until the first hint of morning light.  Baby is sound asleep with no expectation to wake anytime soon.

I don't know why nighttime has always been so important for me.  Being alone, being in the quiet, knowing that my only other company is the stars, moon, and whatever silent creatures are lurking about gives me a great feeling of peace and an opportunity to find clarity should I want to dedicate myself to it.  

Although I do love snuggling in next to Mark when we go to sleep together, its nice to enjoy my solitude every now and then even if its at the cost of the latter.

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