In no particular order.... 1. Brazil The people.  The culture.  The land.  The language (portuguese).   My memories of having lived...

9 Loves

In no particular order....

1. Brazil
The people.  The culture.  The land.  The language (portuguese).  
My memories of having lived there as a missionary from October 2005 through April 2007.

2.  Soccer
Somethings you just don't ever want to give up.  I used to cry whenever
I got injured on the field, not because I hurt, but because I was afraid I wouldn't 
be able to play anymore.

one of my all time favorite teams

3.  Rivers 
Especially jumping into them whether from a bridge or a cliff.  
No summer is complete without some river time fun.

4.  Idaho. 
Such a lovely place.  My roots are there and I long to return to live there someday.  
Southeast Idaho rocks my world.  

Teton Bench

5.  Chacos
They are tough, durable, and you can wear them almost anywhere.  
They also leave cool tan lines.

Definitely not my feet

6.  The Temple  
My soul hungers for the peace inside.

Sao Paulo Brazil Temple

7.  Road Trips 
A little more complicated when you have an infant.  The best when your only plan is to drive somewhere you've never been and to haphazardly explore.

8.  Starry Nights 
When sleeping under the stars, I am always torn at the notion of having to close my eyes to go to sleep.  Very humbling to see the universe a little bit more through the night sky.

9.  Dr. Pepper & Vanilla Coke
Holy moly that shiz is good.  

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Tiffany @ Austin Family Diary said...

Great loves :) Those tanlines are killer haha. Ahh starry nights--amazing. You just feel so unplugged when you can actually enjoy the stars away from the city lights. Thanks so much for linking up! Can't wait to read your answers next week.

~Love Lis said...

Te amo sua lista! :) I LOVE Brasil! But of course, you knew that. I'm so happy you were able to link up! I'm now going to need to get me some Chacos, they look comfy and easy to wear. P.S. The only time I've ever played soccer was with you in Brasil. Good times.

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